Template Upgrade

Modification to freelancer agreement

"I would love to see a boilerplate template that a freelancer could send an outlet, rather than the other way around." —Print and radio reporter and photojournalist, former newspaper, radio and wire staffer, from FIRE's 2015 freelancer survey

After additional legal and insurance research, FIRE has modified its signature tool for freelancers and outlets negotiating a mutually acceptable story contract. 

The FIRE Contract Template, designed by former Bloomberg News Global Media Counsel Charles Glasser, now facilitates an outlet’s indemnification of reporters via more explicit reference to an outlet’s insurance, in a change marked here in bold

5. a)….shall be solely responsible for the costs of representation, filing fees, or other associated legal costs including but not limited to claimed damages, for the purpose of which Reporter would be deemed insured under Outlet’s policy;

The change, made after extensive additional research into contracts and media insurance, will be elaborated in a series of tip sheets set for release soon.  

To request a copy of the Template, visit here

To learn more about the Template, visit this summary of its features.