DuPont finalist honored
FIRE-supported freelancer Alison MacAdam and NHPR team made it official
FIRE-supported freelance editor Alison MacAdam quietly honored FIRE in early 2024 when she helped her New Hampshire Public Radio team claim a prestigious DuPont Columbia silver baton award for "The 13th Step" podcast.
The DuPont was the seventh major award won or shared by a FIRE-supported freelancers since 2016.
The list includes a Edward R. Murrow, Peabody, Spotlight award, Society of Professional Journalists' Lisagor award, Frontline Club award, Bart Richards Award for Media Criticism; and four other finalist honors.
As reported here, NHPR's podcast had been a finalist for its exploration of the tense conditions involved in the station's reporting of a sexual-misconduct story, itself lauded with the 2023 Murrow award in investigative reporting.
FIRE attorneys, who helped the station secure MacAdam's protection for the reporting, stood MacAdam and NHPR in good stead through coverage that ultimately faced vandalism and a defamation lawsuit.
After the experience, NHPR upgraded its freelancer contract to reflect the spirit of FIRE's protective language, earning the newsroom the highest rating in the pilot FIRE Guide to Freelancer Protection—as one of only five "Greens" among the 20 outlets evaluated.